309 N. Jefferson, Suite 220

Springfield, Mo.


May 5, 1999

In Regards to: 198CC4528

Judge Sweeney

Greene County Courthouse Springfield, Mo. 65802


Request for Trial Setting

This letter is to request a setting in the above captioned case, Martin V. Cirtin 198CC4528. The defendant has submitted ANSWERS. The Plaintiff now feels that the merits of the amended Petition should be heard. The Plaintiff asks that the Honorable Court set the matter for trial at the Court’s earliest convenience.

309 N. Jefferson, Suite 220

Springfield, Missouri 65802


Certificate of Service

I, Lee Allen Martin, do swear and affirm that one true and accurate copy of the foregoing letter was mailed postage pre paid to the Attorney for the defendant, Robert Sommers, to his office at 840 Boonville, Springfield, Missouri 65802.

So certified: ________________________________________

Lee Allen Martin