309 North Jefferson Avenue, Suite 220

Springfield, Missouri 65806


Peoples Legal Front is a not-for-profit educational and resource organization dedicated to the proposition that the laws of the United States of America, its States, Cities, and Administrative Agencies are not the trade secrets of attorneys, judges and law enforcement personnel but the rule of law upon which we operate as a nation and that if ignorance of the law is no excuse, then seeking to make trade secrets of the law is a criminal violation of civil rights.

Peoples Legal Front endeavors to make available the public laws that impact the personal rights of the lives of every man, woman and child who are subject to the enslaving that is the result of hiding the laws behind economic advantage.

Peoples Legal Front endeavors to dispel the notion that only lawyers, judges and law enforcement personnel know and have the right to know the laws we must all live by.

Peoples Legal Front endeavors to give free and liberal access to the law to all people in an effort to stop the tyranny perpetrated upon the citizens of the United States of America by its courts, its lawyers and its law enforcement.

Peoples Legal Front utilizes the Sunshine laws for the authority to obtain the standard operating guidelines for cities, police departments, courts, administrative and regulatory agencies, in an effort to keep us all honestly reading from the same page when it comes to government taxing and assessing revenue punishments and jailing, imprisoning and otherwise curtailing the civil liberties of our citizens.

A non-profit corporation


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