COMES NOW the defendant, _______________________ , and respectfully requests of this honorable court that a pro bono attorney be appointed for defendant in the above captioned case. The defendant has been denied a public defender for assistance of counsel in the above captioned case and is unable to afford legal counsel. Therefore, defendant must request that a pro bono attorney be appointed in lieu of Missouri Supreme Court Rules 4 through 6.1:"A lawyer should render public interest legal service. A lawyer may discharge this responsibility by providing professional services at no fee or a reduced fee to persons of limited means or to the public service or charitable groups or organizations, by service in activities for improving the law, the legal system or the legal profession, and by financial support for organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means." Wherefore, the defendant is scheduled for trial and does not have access to the appointed public defender, the defendant must request that a pro bono attorney be appointed that would be in close proximity of the trial court.
Respectfully submitted,
So certified: ________________________________
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