Attn; Recipient: Recipient Address: Recipient City: Recipient Zip:
Inroduction: Comes now the appellant/plaintiff, Lee Allen Martin, and does request a status Report for the preparation of Transcripts in the above captioned cause. Appellant/plaintiff request status on Asscoiate Circuit Division IV for Hearing held on August 4, 2002 and Transcript status for Hearing held on June 19, 2002 Division 1 Circuit Court. Appellant/plaintiff requests of the Court Clerk of the 19th Judicial Circuit provide this without delay. Body(If needed): Appellant/plaintiff does request that a true and accurate certification for the prepared legal file be supplied. Appellant request that the proper 19th Judicial Circuit Case # be certified with the Legal File for presentation to the Court of Appeals. Conclusiion(If needed):
I hereby certify this pleading was served upon all attorneys of record for each of the parties to this action and All parties not represented by counsel, in the following manner: ___ By delivering a copy to him/her; ___ By leaving a copy at his/her office with the clerk; ___ By leaving a copy at his/her office with an attorney associated with him/her; ___ By mailing a copy to him/her, as prescribed by law; ___ By faxing a copy to him/her.
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