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To All:
With the elections upon us there is something to be said:
Nothing more need be said. I ask all to vote for 3rd party candidates, but even a vote for a democrat is better than a vote for a republican. Not voting is preferred to voting for a republican.
The coup of 2000 has cast the die. Only the impeachment of the present administration is capable of changing what is inevitable. The inevitable is that whether declared or not martial law is upon us. The enemy in the war on terrorism is less al quada and more the American public. Troops, our sons and daughters, will be patrolling American streets with guns drawn very soon. The military is being called in right now to hunt for a sniper, it will only get worse.
Military intervention into the War on Drugs has already been enacted. The administration has drawn the correlation of drug use with terrorism. Ari Fliesher has made it clear in this administration Americans must be careful what they say. We are no longer secure in our homes. We are no longer granted the rights of due process. We have lost the very concepts of freedom that made us great and admired threw out the global community. The Congress need not declare war, or enact the war powers act. The Congress is a superfluous waste of money with no power at all. Even our enemies respected Americans even though they had no respect for our government. That respect does not wash the blood from the hands of every American. This nation was founded on the principle for the people, by the people, and of the people; therefore, all actions taken by a government for the people by the people and of the people rest squarely on the shoulders of the people. Crying innocent does not change the guilt that we all have placed upon us. The cry "I was just doing my job" does not absolve anyone of responsibility for the conduct of our government.
The legislation passed in congress, no matter the intent of such legislation, is only respected and honored by our courts if it conforms to the intent of the administration. The Rule of Law held so prestigious to the rest of the world is the sham of all shams. Rule of Law is little more than abuse of office, and abuse of process. Lynching's of the past are now rubber stamped with authenticity by a fair trial, which does not exist. I ask all that read this what is the difference in a lynching and the proverbial give them a fair trial and then hang them. If all 12 jurors show up in hoods and the KKK on the sheet does a defendant have a chance? If the same 12 jurors show up in a suit and tie does the defendant have any better of a chance? We all know the answer.
Americans are a proud and stubborn people. For the most part we believe in our freedom and to a lesser extent we believe in the freedom of others. We have not fully come to grips with the concept that our freedom is dependent upon the freedom of our adversary. This concept is fully exemplified in the freedom of religion arguments of the Christian conservative movement. Freedom of religion is freedom to believe as they do, and freedom from religion for all others.
The coup has begun what may be the bloodiest chapter in American history since the Civil War. Americans will not stand for tyranny for long. Americans may be oppressed for a while, but as the world soon learned in WWI and WWII once stirred into action Americans are uncompromising and powerful in the ability to work for a common goal. The American Goal has not changed in 226 years. It will not change for the Bush Administration. We long to determine our own future. We long to be free to make our own mistakes. We demand that self determination be a right of the individual and not the state.
In all world conflicts, not involving America, we demand negotiation and talk to war. It is not so now. We refuse to negotiate with those that we have and will declare war upon. We demand the natural resources of other nations at a price that we set. This is not the actions of a strong and powerful nation. It is the actions of a weak nation that is dependent on those we condemn. Strength does not come in a smart bomb. Strength comes in being self reliant. In 1973 America awoke to the problem of our energy consumption. We new at that time we would have to change, but we have refused. We have not fully developed alternative resources, which technology is much further developed now than it was in 1973. A nation can not be stronger than the nation that supports it. Our reliance on foreign oil is what makes us weak. Showing superior military force will not make us anything but much more susceptible to the demands of the oil suppliers. If America really wants to defeat terrorism we must move away from oil. We must develop the alternatives to oil no matter the cost. We do it now or do it later, but do it we must. Providing cheap oil through blood letting does not make us great or powerful. It makes America weak, and susceptible to economic attack.
I was told by my representative to congress, Jo Ann Emerson, in September 2001 that we would take justice to the terrorist. Now over a year later the so called justice taken to Afghanistan has done little more than destroy the lives of the innocent Afghans and set up a puppet government that will be forever tormented by those that we swore to bring to justice. Our primary targets are still operating. There is no peace, nor will there ever be unless we as Americans take to change the course we sail and change it now. We are now told that Iraq could develop "A" nuclear device in as little as 30 days. I ask all who is Iraq going to use "A" nuclear device on? I present that the powers in Washington is afraid that the Nuclear Device will be used on them and that will be blow to freedom. They speak from a guilty conscious. Washington knows what they have done and they know what they are deserving of. Washington's fear permeates all of the war talk. Should we sacrifice our lives and freedom for the covert actions taken in the name of the American People? Should we care about the punishment of the criminal regime in Washington? While the administration ducks the attempts to get information as to what the government knew and when about energy and 911. While the administration denies the rights provided by Article III of the United States Constitution to the citizens of the Country. While the administration ducks the Freedom of Information Act. Should we all not assume the worst scenario as being true? The public must know what they are paying our government to do, and if our government will not tell us we must assume that they know we do not condone their behavior. A behavior that jeopardizes the lives, liberty and freedoms of every American. A Behavior that has consistently failed to protect Americans from the very dangers that government has claimed to be fighting.
We have more bombing, snipers, anarchy and chaos in our own country. We have experienced the first bio terrorist attack since we first gave small pox infected blankets to the Indians. We are afraid to fill our cars with unleaded. We suspect our neighbor of harboring thoughts we do not agree with. We have turned upon ourselves. Soon America will become complacent to the fear. It will analyze the problem and identify the culprit. America will stand tall not on the back of government but on the 2 feet of every American. Hiding is not the way of America and will only be done for a short time. Soon it will issue a loud cry and rush to bring America to the founding principles.
It will not make a difference as to when the public does rise up, but rise up it will. The chains of tyranny will not rest long on so proud a nation no matter who the master may be called. I prey that the despot realizes the path once taken and retraces the steps of tyranny. I prey that for the sake of the despot he take to change the nature of the battle that is unfolding in our country. Please I prey do not make adversaries of father and son as were done 140 years ago.
The fear of our leaders for illegal and covert activity of the past should not be allowed to destroy the constitution of the nation. Our leaders criminal conduct must be brought to the light of day. If they are innocent let be proven. If they are culpable let it be shown. Let us not allow the forked tongue devil to hide behind "God Bless America" as a stamp of supreme approval. Uttering blasphemy does not a soul save. When leaders truly believe in the Blessing of God, GOD is the first and last to be given glory. Not a smart bomb, not a tank, not a satellite, but the will of the Lord. If We as Americans truly want God's blessing should we not show it?
We cry "God Bless America" but God does not bless the pagan. So as America celebrates witches and devils on the 31st of October, as we remember our savior's birth with a decorated tree, and Honor our Savior's death with rabbits that lay eggs, let us know the God we ask to bless us. For we do need Gods blessing but it does not come for those that do lip service to the Will of the Almighty. I say pray the Lord's Will be done as all else is vanity. Then know it will be.
If we blindly support the leadership of today there is the possibility that it will not turn out as planned. I suggest that Russia has not forgot the insults of the past. Russia has not forgot the lives of their young men lost in Afghanistan in the 80's. China still wants Taiwan. There is no peace in Korea only a cease fire. Iran and the Axis of Evil can not wait for the telegraphed blow of our nation's military. They Axis may not like each other, but will unite against a common foe, the United States. Upon an invasion of Iraq would Russia move the red army into previously occupied territory of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Would Iran block the straights of Hormuz? Would North Korea cross the 38th parallel? Would China move on the straights of Taiwan? Would the Red Army reestablish the military in the "stans" of central Asia? By extending our military in the Persian Gulf do we not bottle neck our military?
We may be powerful, but power does not always prevail. Is it not time for us to protect national security and not Israel? Should we not take the bitter pill of high oil prices and take the necessary steps to kick the oil habit once and for all? The questions of war and freedom are easily dismissed with goosestep logic, but the reality of our security calls for more than a heil Bush.
Lee Allen Martin
People's Legal Front
Because the Law is NOT the Trade Secret of Attorneys
West Plains, Mo. 65775
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