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Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:24 PM
I hate hypocrisy. I would much rather the enemy stare me in the face and tell me he wants my ass. The past few days is riddled with hypocrisy not only from the television but from my e mail.
Why is it that NBC on Tuesday is told to move back because of a bomb threat in a High School building, and there is no follow up? Was there a Bomb in the high school? Was there a threat, and was there an arrest? How many bomb threats are there. In the small town I live, there was a bomb threat. I continue to hear of bomb threats in NYC and all around the country. Who is making these threats? Muslim? I doubt it very much. Doesn't the continued bomb threats tell us something about the public take on patriotism?
Patriotism, that is all I hear. I hear the flags are a flying, but not any more noticeably than usual. I hear our lives have changed, but not where I live. What patriotism was displayed by the rush on gasoline on Tuesday? I say none. If anything it proves that the American public is not about patriotism, but more about selfishness. The immediate greed of the station owners, that is only good ole fashion capitalism. But, the citizen who thought that they could improve their lot in life by rushing to get what they obviously considered a scarce resource is the lowest life form. Good for me to hell with you. Did these people consider that there sacred military may need this to protect all of us from foreign invasion?
I hear we should not over expound upon the issues on the television to our children. We should make them feel safe, but in the interest of patriotism KYTV, my local NBC affiliate, sends Laurie Patton to the local ROTC to show how the next generation is patriotic now that "innocent Americans have died". What is being displayed in the background, but the NBC continuous broadcast of Attack on America. Do the children speak of rights, NO! These children speak of their privileges, and you want me to believe and finance more of this. We should all feel compelled to send these poor ignorant children to the mid east to fight a war because the WTC was brought to the ground. To all who sell this type patriotism to our children, know that their souls are your responsibility. Anyone who causes his fellow man to sin has those sins to pay for. The deaths of these young Americans on foreign soil will be on the hands of everyone of you that are preaching this right now. My generation grew up with the body counts on the evening news, and although those same veterans now report our news they do seem a lot different than what they did 35 years ago. Dan Rather is not the same as he was when he was reporting in the rice patty of Vietnam. War has been glorified as memory has failed, but war has not changed. To send impressionable children to the horror of war is what real terror is. I ask all of you, how many Vietnam Vets have been to prison? War did not make them better citizens, and it will not make are children better citizens. If an old man wants vengeance let the old men fight for their vengeance.
I have been reading on my mail list numerous conspiracy theories for months and years. I have read Bob Shultz. The articles on the New World Order, the Illuminate, the evil of the federal reserve. The fact that global conglomerates are taking us down the tubes and enslaving us. But, when an attack is made upon the epicenter of the evil, the World Trade Center, to the last one,the conspiracy advocates recant and cry fowl upon an unnamed enemy. I just want the public record so that all can make intelligent decisions. You conspiracist are shooting yourself in the foot. What do you think was in the WTC and the Pentagon. Isn't time you recognized what your rhetoric is really all about. Bob Shultz said he was going to starve himself to death to receive a redress of grievance concerning what he has published over and over as criminal conduct by a government to, if he is correct, steal the hard earned funds of every man, woman, and child in America, but now that is not as important as the crisis that he himself may actually be to blame for? I have read the tale of how bad foreign debt is on the third world, who do you think financed that debt, could any of them been in the WTC?
I have heard over and over again since 1991 of the biological weapons that are being developed and could be used in just such a terrorist attack, and yet the CDC does not show up in NYC until today, Thursday. Are you kidding me? Anthrax could have wiped out the city in that amount of time. Why wasn't the CDC there in 3 hours at the latest? Do not give me the spill all flights were canceled, this was a military priority. Speaking of Military priority just where were all the Air Force flights. There should not have been any flight commercial, private or otherwise not being challenged by our mighty Air Force, after all we can do it in Colombia and Peru. Why did passengers have to fight hijackers to crash in Pa.? I would have thought a F-16 would have been there to tell it what to do or take a missile up the tail pipe.
How does the George Washington, and the JFK protect NYC better than the giant Air bases on the East Coast? Why doesn't the government just tell us that they Air Craft Carriers are more protected at sea than in port.
I hear it cried that this is terrorism and bin Laden is the prime suspect. But bin Laden declared war upon us after the 1998 cruise missile attack upon Afghanistan which killed innocent women and children. That attack wasn't terrorism, but because we are so smug as to think that no one could attack us and let ourselves be made vulnerable by this egotism it is terrorism. Act of War, yes by all means. But, the only terrorism is the terror of the ego's that run our country.
Read my lips, as the president's father would say, hypocrisy is not a saving virtue. I know many of the religious are reading Revelations right now. I to am a follower of Christ, but in my interpretation we, man, must do all that he canto prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. Then upon its fulfillment we will see the coming of our LORD. Please have some strength in your convictions. Force our media to tell us the truth. Hold the feet of our politicians to the fire, and do not let them lead us down a path to our destruction.
Know that this attack was not biological. It was not made upon nuclear facilities or for that matter our infrastructure. It did attack the head of the worlds military, and the head of the worlds finances. Realize there is not air craft carriers setting off our shores running nightly bombing raids on our country. We are not under constant attack as the British were in the battle of London. If 18 hijackers on one morning can bring this kind of panamonia then we really are not very strong, and these lies on television is only there to puff up cowards.
Should you feel for the loss depends on your convictions and not the propaganda that everybody else is, at least that is honest. I on the other hand find it hard to find innocents above the age of 15 in this world. I am sure that some do exist, but them are in the bosom of the LORD and have no need for my grief. To all I say may the LORD's WILL be done, for all else is folly. I thought many of you did not like the sheeple term and only used it in a derogatory sense. I see now I should not be listening to the rantings of hypocrites.
President of the People's Legal Front, Inc. "Because these are not TRADE SECRETS of Attorneys" 7050 County Road 2810 West Plains, Missouri 65775 |
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