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Each man, woman, and child is little more than property to be exploited in any way government sees fit. The government has lost site of the fact it is the servant of the people. Government does not serve us, the people, it serves itself, and what is worse, it is lazy, greedy, and vicious. It practices lies, deceit, and subterfuge to control the people who created the government and this great nation.
Our president holds pipe dreams up to the rest of the world but does not cultivate the very thought in our own nation. Rule of Law has been destroyed at home while being made a marching cry on the other side of the world.
The facts documented by me in my Petition for Declaratory Judgment to receive the Public Documents from the Department of Revenue State of Missouri brings many hard questions. The abuse of process shown by one of the largest bureaucracies in the State of Missouri to deny or impede access to public records in electronic format shows the true intent of government. Government means to rule by ANY means necessary.
The representation, Attorney General's Office, for the defendant, Director of Revenue, has taken to deny that the records in question exist in electronic format. The Attorney General would have the world believe that when it comes to photographs of past and present drivers (over 4 million) it is an easy task to maintain. The DOR is allowed to submit records to the courts of the state which rises above the hearsay rule. The record kept by the DOR is provided with an exception to hearsay in Chapter 302 of the RSMo. Yet, when an Official Request to receive public records is made the same director pleads they are not in electronic format. The Attorney General on the 1 st day of October 2001 in open court insisted that the records of the DOR could only be produced for viewing in paper format. In November 2001 I produced one record in question that was on the defendant's web site. I believe a fraud has been perpetrated upon the court as to the nature of the records in question. Fraud upon the court by knowingly mis-representing facts that were known or should have been known is a violation of the rules of court, statutes of the State, and the morals of man.
The Office of Court Administrator refuses to provide the name of any Custodian of Record for any documents maintained by them. The blatant disregard of the clear meaning of Chapter 610 is being violated by the very people who were employed by us to know Chapter 610. When the department was created to administer clear meaning of the law claims they do not know the law, it brings to question the ethics of government. All Missouri Law comes from the Statutes of the State of Missouri and should be equally applied. In Missouri this is not happening, Rule of Law is nothing more than a political slogan which bears no resemblance to the truth. These problems concerning the ethics of government does not reside solely with me. Lots of other citizens of the State of Missouri face the same problem. The lack of ethics in government is so widespread and rampant as to affect every state, and the federal government.
Our Government likes to play semantics with every word they say. This was best exemplified by former President Clinton with his most famous: "It depends on what the meaning of is, is." Mr. Clinton is not alone in this trick of semantics, our justice system is based upon it. The shifting meaning of terms depending upon who is going to use it. I especially like the definition of "shall" and "may" as used to define the requirements for running a public office. When applied to the citizen "shall" means they must do it. When applied to them "shall" and "may" mean the same thing, absolutely nothing. It is not just Democrats, Republicans do it too: "read my lips, no new taxes." It is not just presidents it is everyone. Our government did it to the Chinese last year in the apology made to the Chinese concerning our downed spy plane on Hunian Island. On national television it was reported that we didn't give in and say the wrong word.
Talk about vague and ambiguous. The way the statutes, rules, codes, etc. are applied is ambiguous. These are substantive due process issues, with the issue being, there is no due process, rule of law, or justice. The unethical manner in which government is applied to the citizens of this state, of this country, of this world, affects the lives of all creatures great and small. Just as wild animals feel trapped and then panic so does our citizenry. As more and more people realize that there is no rule of law our world will become more and more violent. As long as might makes right for one; soon it will be for all. Until there is a generation based on might, that is, if this isn't it.
Do we as Americans have the right, indeed the obligation, to point out the fallacies our government is based upon? YES, does that mean we are terrorists? NO, we are not terrorists. Semantics as applied in today's society is that any dissenting voice is terrorism. According to Ari Fliescher "now is not the time for that kind of rhetoric." But, the reality is, it is the time for that kind of rhetoric. Now more than ever should the voice of dissent rise above the roar of nationalism. Now more than ever should the people who know what our government is capable of are now obliged to speak with authority the truth. To base the destruction of societies on inaccurate fables and feel-good folk lore will have repercussion to last for several generations. The dominance of the U.S. Military without cause is might makes right.
Semantics is a problem in my life as well. Many of you received an email from last year concerning the Airline industry bail out. The email was titled "I need a bail out". The email dealt with bailing out failing industry with taxpayer funds. The last line was "I warn you this is not going to work as you plan." Because of this one word "warn" It was reported by state government that I was threatening a state agency. I had to speak to the Capitol Police. I had to listen as an Investigator who was well trained ask me to explain the last line of that email.
"Did you make that statement?" "Yes," I answered "I think I said that, and I meant it to. Throwing 15 Billion dollars down a black hole of an Airline Industry that was going broke prior to September 11 is not going to work the way you think it will, that is of course if your intent was to benefit society, and not your buddies pocket book."
For me to question the jurisdiction of a court that can not maintain an accurate record is grounds for judges, and bailiffs to protect the opposing party, and threaten to find me in contempt of court for smirking.
What are they protecting these people from I do not know? I can only surmise that the defendant, defendant counsel, Judge, and Bailiff can read my mind and they know they have angered me to the point that now I am dangerous. I might hurt them. 20 years of fighting in court concerning injustice and now when they make mistakes, malicious or inadvertent, I am mad enough to do physical harm. I would laugh at such small minds, but this is their defense, to subvert the rule of law to the point they can identify the mad and the angry. Why? Because of their guilty conscience. I did not break the law, they did. Why would I want to hurt them, a rational man wouldn't.
Do I think I am the only individual that experiences this treatment? No. It happens all the time. Semantics, it all depends on the meaning of "warn" and in the context that the word is used. In time of crisis we must know that law enforcement is way too busy to read the whole email, and should rely on taking the last line out of context.
These are the people investigating crime, and interpreting our laws and how they should be applied. Negligence does not scratch the surface of the diabolical nature of these people. When you go to Jefferson City take a good hard look at what buildings are circled with concrete. I bet the building housing the DOR is while none of the rest have availed themselves of concrete barricades. Why, because they know what they are guilty of. Will it be proven in court, maybe not. But, that does not change the knowledge of the life experience of all in the state of Missouri that was shafted and extorted by the Department.
Just because government does not admit their misdeeds does not mean they did not necessarily occur. They did in my case. What determines the mental patterns of the organism is facts, and not government spin. What we all base our lives upon is the life experience that we have. You, Me, and the employees of the state and federal governments know what has occurred. Can we lie to ourselves? Sure, that is a mental problem. But even if We do lie to ourselves we really know the facts, and that is the guilty conscience. To sooth that conscience our government is purging the terrorists. They are not terrorists, they are only resistors.
Government cannot be allowed to march into any home to arrest, and try our citizens on the thought crime that they are mad at the government. I once heard a judge say: "Could she have done this act that she is accused of? Yes, but any individual could have committed the act under the circumstances, but beyond a reasonable doubt requires much more than the act could have been done." Let us not return to McCarthyism in this country. Have we not burned enough witches at the stake?
The time has come to take our government back. It will cleanse the conscience of government, and empower the American public. The true power of America lies in the strength of the citizen not in the marble halls of bureaucracy. Let us put the record that we paid to have created in the hands of the people who asked for it. The public record is not an industry to maintain lazy, corrupt, over paid, whiney, civil servants. It is our duty to heal the bureaucracy's troubled mind. We need to hurry because government is getting sicker by the minute.
Lee Allen Martin
January 25, 2002
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