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September 11, 2001 20:43 pmPlease Help Me, I have tried to help all of you. I want to believe, but I can't forget. I want to believe the news as it is reported today, but I hear words like "coward" to describe suicide bombers. I am confused, what does coward mean? Must be that poor American education that I received that leaves me grappling for a meaning of the word "coward" that coincides with taking ones own life for a higher calling. I want to believe my local news station, but just 2 weeks ago this same KYTV reported that a square mile of ditch weed was worth 80 million dollars. How can I believe anything they say? The Highway Patrol, Water Patrol, Marion County Sheriff, etc that participated in this evil ditch weed eradication assured us, the public, that ditch weed eradication was an important duty that they provide. I wonder is it still that important? I want to believe, that our government and law enforcement are saving lives. But, no one stopped the airplanes from being hijacked and being used as a tool of destruction. I see pictures of police officers running with their bellies bouncing to save their own lives. I want to believe that when the Springfield Police Chief reassures us that there is no danger of terrorist attack in Springfield and the department will continue as usual that is a good thing. But, I remember January 23, 1998 when the Springfield Police Department came to a friends home in the middle of the night and threw her off of her porch held her down and let their dog bite her. I remember sitting there on the porch feeling helpless in the presence of young men with guns and dogs terrorizing the taxpayer that provide for their services. I want to believe that the local government will do the right thing, but I remember the friend having to defend herself upon baseless charges of criminal conduct for over 2 years. I want to believe that the officers do not lie, but I remember Officer Tony Smith demonstrating a lie in open court before Judge Burrell. I want to believe our president, but I remember the election of 2000 and the president's fight to not have the ballots hand counted in Florida. Florida, a state that declared itself a national disaster today. Why did brother Jeb do this, because the Pentagon was bombed? I want to believe, but the last president I believed could not determine "what the meaning of is, is." I want to believe, but I still remember the musical chairs that brought Dennis Haskert to be the Speaker of the House. I want to believe, but I watched Gary Condit being interviewed by Connie Chung. I want to believe the US Attorney General when he implies that the full weight of the Department of Justice will bring about the truth. But, I remember the cursory investigations that the FBI and the DOJ have done concerning important reports of government corruption that resulted in unfounded investigation. I want to believe that the truth will be told, but how can I believe the AG after it failed to provide McViegh with exculpatory evidence? I can not forget the pictures of tanks rolling into Mt. Carmel. The dead son and wife of Randy Weaver. The throw down guns in Miami. I want to believe that these acts of war today were unjustified and that many innocent people died today. But, I remember Mia Li. I remember Senator Kerry who while in command of a company in Vietnam killed or supervised the killing of innocents. I remember our government admitting to the killing of innocent Koreans. I remember Bay of Pigs. I remember the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade with smart bombs. I remember the strafing of retreating Iraqi troops 10 years ago. I want to believe just like I wanted to believe that we went to the moon. But, just as we have never been back to the moon so my belief wavers. I want to believe that the Van Allen radiation belt is only a figment of science, but we still have not went back to the moon. Well maybe after thinking about it I don't want to believe that terrorist attacked the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, this is all just like going to the moon. Just one giant hoax perpetrated upon the America Public and produced on the old set of Independence Day in Hollywood. Yeah, that's the ticket it is all trick photography. Designed to thwart the patriots from continuing to attack the illegal IRS, which if Mr. Shultz is correct will be sending massive checks to all taxpayers. Designed to thwart the patriots and their investigation into Waco. Designed to thwart the Klamath farmers. Designed to thwart the public in acquiring the public record. Designed to make large defense contracts to Boeing, Lockheed, Morton Thiokol, and the rest of Arms Manufacturers. I believe that this is all about Martial Law, and that all who do not goose step to the rhetoric of the Military will find tattoos and death chambers just as the Jehovah Witnesses in Nazi Germany. Please tell me it isn't so. I want to believe.
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