Dear editor:
     I feel that I must speak up and remind you that your article concerning the hit and run accident resulting in the death of Sara K. Marsh seems to leave out a vital bit of information.  I have just recently been to the site of the accident, Kansas Exp. and Walnut Lawn, and have noticed that there is no sidewalks or shoulder in this area.  There is a large grass way, but there is no cross walk or pedestrian signals at the intersection.  I first brought the unsafe street issue to your attention on the 18th day of November 1998 in my e-mail to you concerning the revocation of drivers license and the danger resulting in using the streets of this city, or for that matter the state, for any form of transportation other than automobiles. Please refer to points 3 and 4 of this e-mail and if you have deleted them from your cache here they are again:

    3)  How can a person who has been convicted of a DWI, get on a bike or a horse in this city and go any place safely?  Drivers of autos seem to want to buzz by bicyclists as closely as possible.  Drivers seem to believe that the roads were created for their sole use and are resentful if slower,  less polluting forms of transportation are used at the same time.  Bicyclist's take their own lives into their hands when attempting to use your city streets.  I can remember articles printed by your publication condemning the Amish for their use of horse and buggies in Wright County and how some drivers thought that the Amish were endangering their lives.

    4)  Springfield does not have sidewalks on all of the streets for pedestrians to use that would keep them out of traffic.

    It is a tragedy that a young life should be cut short, but I do not see the public placing blame on the city for not designing a new Kansas Exp. that was pedestrian accessible.  We require that all public buildings be accessible to the most handicapped in our society and yet do not provide for a safe means of transportation outside of a car.  I truly believe that the Courts of the state and country have established a liability for public governments that create unsafe conditions, such as this one.  Is it not time that the News Leader took the time to ask the hard questions concerning the safety of the streets that the taxpayer pays so much to provide.     As the legislature continues to evoke harsher and harsher penalties for driving offenses is it not the responsibility of the government to provide safe alternatives to driving a car? Please I beg you help push for safe streets in the city by putting sidewalks on all of them.

Sincerely Lee Martin