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Here is a search engine that you can use. All Interactive forms will have a url name with the word form in it. This only searches the plf site.The Peoples Legal Front is happy to provide access to the motions, pleadings, briefs, complaints, etc. that we have produced as pro se litigants in the court system of the State of Missouri. We do not take responsibility for these forms conforming to the requirements of the courts and ask that anyone who may use the forms to improve on them. They certainly should not be construed as lawful. These documents have been submitted to the courts of the State of Missouri, and most have failed in their effort. I should also point out that it is better to have tried and failed than to never to have tried at all.
Interactive Legal Forms provided by the People's Legal Front. These JavaScript based forms should help in getting some of the required elements to your pleading, I hope all. The right frame will provide links to the law, Rules of Court, Statutes, Codes, Regulations, Jury Instructions, Dictionary, and a spell checker.
breifreporter Here is a link to the best of what is being filed as briefs by attorneys right now.
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As you may already know the Springfield Police Department is scrambling and now that the cat is out of the bag they are stalling for time. Let's face it. It takes way to long to download the SOG's, Standard Operating Guidelines, from the cities site. I think it is planned that way. I have a plan, but the Judge, J. Miles Sweeney, and the defendant, Brenda Cirtin, have other plans. The problem is I already have the complete document and the illegal protective order to go with it. I have the document in HTML with search engine, but I can not publish. At least not yet. The city has admitted to criminal conduct, in my opinion. My opinion does count now. Have patience for the end is very near, no matter what the crooked cops think.
I need to give an explanation to this case or it will confuse you. In the case numberCv398-699CC I field a motion for trial de novo review of the Director of Revenue's illegal revocation of my driving license beyond the statutes of the State of Missouri. The Trial Court of Ronald J. or R. Jack Garrett refused to hear the petition and threw me out for lack of subject matter jurisdiction (fancy words that means a court is not required to give due process). I appealed to the Missouri State Supreme Court on Constitutional grounds, Resulting in MO. Supreme Court case# 81426. The Missouri Supreme Court Transferred the Case to the Southern District Court of Appeals, Case #23071-1, where on the 10th day of January 2000 Oral Argument was heard. The Court of Appeals issued an opinion on the 15th day of February 2000 dismissing the appeal on the grounds that the trial judge had failed to enter a judgment. The mandate of the court of appeals was that trial judge should enter a judgment. The Trial Judge did enter a Judgment on the 18th day of February 2000, which is less than a judgment in my opinion. I filed Motion to reconsider on the 25th day of February 2000. The Judge instead of granting Motion to reconsider decided to request prospective orders from the DOR and me. Before his deadline was up and before I submitted my prospective Order the less than honorable judge signed the DOR's Order. This Order is completely different and based on different sets of fact and points of law than had been addressed in court. I appeal Southern District #23604-1, Hey Judge Crow be getting some more of that good writing. Maybe even a little sunshine up the butt. Now good luck, I am sure there is motions that you can use for yourself as templates in this case. Appeals process, Record on Appeal, Legal File, Transcript, Motion to Reconsider, and I especially like the Bill of Cost filed in this case all are good work. Please help yourself. Lee
31st Judicial Circuit Court of the State of Missouri, Greene County A case arising out of Chapter 610 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, Sunshine Law to open Public Documents; specifically the Standard Operating Guidelines of the Springfield Police Department.
My order concerning the SOG's This should be informative. It should also show what to expect from the courts! Justice is not blind and is not fair. If I or you would circumvent the law as the City of Springfield has you may rest assured that we will be prosecuted put in jail and fed cumadin until we bled to death. If the City of Springfield and their Police wish to maintain a secret police status the public is not entitled to know unless the Police tell you. All involved in illegal activity is guilty of the crime. I will give you the doucment that you need in court. I will not fail!
Letter from Judge Sweeney stating the proposed redactions are not called for. City agrees, I win more. ACLU take notice.
Transfer to the Missouri Supreme Court
Motion to Stay Execution of Sentence, This motion was granted by the Court of Appeals
Forma Pauperis Application to the United States Supreme Court
Petition to the United States Supreme Court for Writ of Certiorari
Law Office Agreement This is a letter correcting agreement from attorney
Child Custody Modification This form was copied from the University of Washington web sight
Child Custody Modification Pleading for the State of Missouri
Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Charge
Objection to Defective Information
Objection to the Veracity of the Record
Objection to Motion to Quash Subpoena Ducus Tecum
Objection to State's Continuance
Judicial Notice for 3rd Degree Assault of a Law Enforcement Officer
Judicial Notice for Obstruction of Justice
Judicial Notice that cussing a cop is Protected Speech
Motion to Suppress Witnesses and Evidence in 3rd Degree Assault of a Law Enforcement Officer
Writ of Mandamus in the Court of Appeal, State of Missouri
Motion to Compel Attendance of Witnesses at Depositions and Motion for Sanctions Against the City of Springfield, this motion brought because of the dismissal by the City Attorney of the witnesses subpoenaed by Robin.
Defense Objection to Ex Pa rte Appointment of Counsel and Motion to Take Judicial Notice, this motion written because of the unauthorized appointment of counsel without notice to the defendant
Motion for Judgement of Acquittal after conviction
Motion for New Trial
this motion was sustained on the 13th day of May 1999