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I need to give an explanation to this case or it will confuse you. In the case number CV398-699CC I field a motion for trial de novo review of the Director of Revenue's illegal revocation of my driving license beyond the statutes of the State
of Missouri. The Trial Court of Ronald J. or R. Jack Garrett refused to hear the petition and threw me out for lack of subject matterjurisdiction (fancy words that means a court is not required to give due process). I appealed to the Missouri State
Supreme Court on Constitutional grounds, Resuslting in Mo. Supreme Court case# 81426. The Missouri Supreme Court Transfered the Case to the Southern District Court of Appeals, Case #23071-1, where on the 10th day of January 2000 Oral Argument was heard.
The Court of Appeals issued an opinion on the 15th day of February 2000 dismissing the appeal on the grounds that the trial judge had failed to enter a judgment. The mandate of the court of appeals was that trial judge should enter a judgment. The
Trial Judge did enter a Judgment on the 18th day of February 2000, which is less than a judgment in my opinion. I filed Motion to reconsider on the 25th day of February 2000. Now good luck, I am sure there is motions that you can use for yourself as
templates in this case. Appeals process, Record on Appeal, Legal File, Transcript, Motion to Reconsider, and I espically like the Bill of Cost filed in this case all are good work. Please help yourself. Lee
On March the third the Court of Appeals issued a Mandate. It was less than ethical, and I filed a Motion for retaxation of the Bill of Cost. I also raised the issue of the common law
Writ of Procedendo. You should read this.
My Motion to reconsider Judgment that the Trial Court issued in less than a day. I certainly do not have to worry about justice delayed is justice denied. The system only moves slow
when the system is afraid you might win.
Judge Garrett' Judgment which presumably will comply with the Appeallate Court Mandate. It should be noted that I have recreated this document because I do not have a scanner or
digital camera at my disposal at the moment. It is only one line and trust me it is signed by the judge.
On this the 15th day of February 2000, the Appelate Court for the Southrn Appelate Dvision for the state of Missouri has issued a ruling dismissing my Appeal of the Revocation of Driving Privledge's beyond the
statutory requirments. The dismisal hinges on the trial court's failure to make a judgement. Here is the link to the decision, if anyone cares.
Appeal # 23071-1 The opinion as published by the Courts of the State of
Appellant Reply Brief 09/15/99
Appellant Brief 07/30/99
Southern district Docket Sheet
Southern District Granst Extension to File the Appellant Brief July 19, 1999
Letter from the trail court notification of transcripts, supplemental July 8, 1999
The Southern District acknowledges the receiving the appealJune 30, 1999
The Missouri Supreme Court has ruled that the proper Jurisdiction is with the Court of Appeals. Specifically, The Southern District Court of Appeals Division #1. I have been here before. The new case number is
now S.D.#23071-1 and can be found on
Missouri Supreme Court Order to Transfer caseJune 29, 1999
Letter from the Missouri Supreme Court Transfering to Southern District Court of Appeals
Letter to supplement the Transcript
Missouri Supreme Court Order noting objection to the Reocord on Appeal has been filed and a request to suppliment the record on appeal has been
Letter to supplement the Legal File
Missouri Supreme Court Order noting that the Record on Appeal has been filed
Trial Court Order certifying the Reocrd on Appeal
Missouri Supreme Court Order noting date the record on appeal is due
Trial Court Order calling a hearing to certify the official trial court record
Court Reproter letter concerning the transcript
Missouri Supreme Court Ordering the trial court to certify the record on appeal
Missouri Supreme Court Order noting Appellant's objection to the Record on Appeal
Objection to the Preparation to the Rcord on Appeal
Missouri Supreme Court Order noting that the Legal File has been filed
Legal File and the Supplemental Legal File
Missouri Supreme Court Order granting Howell County Prosecutors Motion to Withdraw
Prosecutor's motion to withdraw Note they get the case number on the document
Cover Letter for the Prosecutor's motion to withdraw Note that the Members of the Bar cannot get the case number of the document
Michael P. Hutchings Motion to Withdraw dated March 22nd 1999, Note that this was filed in the Missouri Supreme Court with no Case #
Rizwan Ahad Motion to Withdraw dated March 18th 1999, Note that this was filed in the Missouri Supreme Court with no case #
Court Reporter 2nd letter Concerning the Trancript date March 15, 1999
Michael P. Hutchings Motion to Withdraw dated March 12th 1999, note that this was filed in the Missouri Supreme Court with the Trial Court #
Rizwan Ahad Motion to Withdraw dated March 12th 1999, note that this was filed in the Missouri Supreme Court with the Trial Court #
Court Reporter's first letter concerning the transcript
Entry of Appearance for Department of Revenue Attorney and the Mo. S. Ct. Order sustaining
Missouri Supreme Court Notice of Filing case #81426
Application to file in forma pauperis in the Missouri Supreme Court
Missouri Supreme Court Jurisdicitonal Statement and Brief Synopsis of Appeal